Hello...! hello, hello...!?
You have entered TiffanyVideo's little corner of the internet. A repository and archive of the many unimportant things that I've willingly (or unwillingly) have graced upon the world wide web. If you're interested in cringe little things like my OCs, or ramblings from a demonoid disaster, or are just interested in the games and stories that I've worked on, well... Welcome Home.
Do keep in mind that this site is perpetually under construction, but not always worked on. I constantly shift from one thing to another. Work on one thing, get burned out, go to another. Get burned out on that, cycle back to one of my other projects, and the cycle returns ad infinitum. A site update doesn't always guarantee a new feature (i'd announce that, damnit!)
Oh and uhm- There are no secrets here... 'Cause I don't know how to make them. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Sorry!
(but let's be real, you probably found me while I'm obsessively updating my site every 5 seconds. I'll probably have several hundred updates by time we break 500 visitors.)
My guestbook. Feel free to say a howdy while you're here :>
My playlist(s). Feel free to take a listen if you'd like. o7