About My Site...?

"Dreams of a Demonoid Disaster" is a small personal website for me and myself alone. This website is to express myself as I please and catalog my work so my name will not be forgotten. A thousand files for a hundred people who come and go as they please to enjoy reading about a story or game they will never play. (oh who am I kidding? I do not even exist >;^P)

This website is not designed for you. This is not your home, but you are welcome to come and go as you please. In a technological age where information is at your fingertips, and self-expression used to be the most important thing, both have regressed to being simple commodities. Do you wish to know how to live your life? Do you yearn for the days of the past, or the need to be yourself? We hope you have ten, twenty dollars a month, or instead we shall provide you this automated response package of which includes a jpeg of a boar, a completely and utterly unrelated answer, and a virus sleeping in your system (oh, and thanks for your personal information. it has just been sold to the nearest delta shop for twelve cents. (this is a joke, for the media illiterate.))


...In a place where you can join any community, where you can enter and exit an expansive multimedia landscape of different thoughts, opinions, aesthetics and preferences, where any form of media has a fan... I am alone. I do not exist, I do not belong anywhere, the skeletons that I have created will follow me no matter the amends that are made... I have a mouth, I must scream, but no sound will ever escape. A hell of our own creation, that will only get better as we choose to be happy, but a smile will never be enough. A being of many faces, who does not know which one to wear. And yet, in the darkness around me, this is the light that keeps me going.

Do not be afraid. Everything will be okay.


About the Demonoid...? (Lusamine. She/they)

Lusamine is the name given to the eponymous title character in which the OCverse was originally named after. Though her real name and age is incomprehensible to the human mind, she ought not care for them. Those who live among her are but pawns in a greater scheme of hers, one to stay entertained and remain on top.

Lusamine is the eponymous Primordial Emotion Demonoid (P.E.D.) of Lust. PEDs are a powerful type of demon that draws their power from humanity's, monsterkind's, etc's primal emotions, in Lusamine's case, lust. As long as a society possesses these emotions, their power will never fade. Though, even in her own world, she's not the most powerful. Rather, they're the third, succeeded by the PEDs of Fear and Hunger respectively.

Lusamine is my sona (internet persona), an idealized version of myself that I project onto. Lusamine is me, but I am not her. I am not a 5ft 2in demon with a hunger for chaos and violent shipping wars that we're all completely and UTTERLY POWERLESS TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT- *ahem* but I am a snarky, apathetic little asshole who is not afraid to pull a few strings to get my way. Make sense? Good. I will not repeat this.

Lusamine's main reference. She is quite the lovely dear, are they not?


About the Creator... (Hey, I'm Zanther. Also She/they.)

So then... you must be wondering. Who am I? Who is Zanther, the thief behind the mask... I am no one important, that is.

Call me whatever you please. Zanther, Tiffany, Nyx, Red, Video, Mars, Emond, and/or whatever else. I am an American digital artist and game developer (if you consider RPG Maker games, that is.) who has a hobby in game collection, investigation and media preservation. I am a being of a hundred faces with no ability to discern between them.


I am somewhat of a hermit, both internet and real life. Someone who likes to stay in their corner and not very well-experienced with meeting new people. Managing relationships are difficult as someone who frequently misinterprets and misses social cues. I do not bite (as it would require the tensile strength to perform such an action), so do not be afraid to send a message sometime.

If, you would be open to a bit of cynicism, I find it especially difficult to keep in contact with associates, so-called friends. Your relationship is a social contract, one that will inevitably be voided through one reason or another. So, for lack of a more formal way to express this, I find it hard to grow attached, knowing that I will eventually stop being friends with you. So once I have stayed my welcome, I must cut the root before it spreads.


My history on the internet extends far past my current persona. I was a child on the internet, supervised but always left to their devices. My earliest memories on the internet involved playing flash games on the internet, specifically ones from Cartoon Network, since that's all my family's Windows XP computer could run. Somehow, my younger self would always find a way past the restrictions, to stumble upon things I shouldn't have. From cruedly-animated Sonic animations from a channel I can't remember, to "The Man in the Woods" on Newgrounds. My Little Pony parodies, Happy Tree Friends, Abandoned by Disney, TatsTopVideos, Tobuscus, and others, watching things that were obviously not ideal for a something of my age.

But here we stand, in the year of our Zenith, ðââ. The internet back then was a far more creative space, far less monopolized and monetized by the same few corporations that say they want to protect kids while also preying upon them. Regardless of my problems, and the problems those who are younger than me face, and the onces their age when they are mine, we can all agree that was good was great, and what was bad needs to stay dead. But now everything is the same slab of grey and white. Drab and boring to look at, plagued with the same issues I said before, being fueled by algorithms and a need to dumb our audiences down so it is easier to control them.

And for that, I thank Neocities for keeping the magic alive. I have no knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JS. I have a mouth, I must scream, and yet my heart goes to those more talented than me. Shoutout to sites like Vidapon, W0nderland, Velvet-Blue, Oudkee, SugarforBrains and Lazer-Bunny.

Click here to go to my Blinkies vault. (note there's a lot of flashing in here ("-_)-


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